
Wrong Way

Wrong day to throw back a captured memory through photos.

Rekindling some of the important events that happened in my life last year through a flash back Monday where I officially became more interested in the field of styling and where I met the Filipina Designer, Ms. Pia Gladys Perey along with other known Filipino designers while I help and style for the Style Warehouse's:  Project Monsoon Relief where designers selflessly auctioned their breathtaking gowns and dresses for the the benefit of Monsoon victims last August. 


Shine bright like a diamond

(Photos from Zalora)

Rachel Zoe quoted, "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak".

There is no reason to stay gloomy like the weather, especially when there's Zalora Philippines who delivers unique and various products from women's clothes (cue: the photos above) to home and living products. What makes it even more interesting is that they're having a discount party today! I know how fast Zalora works because I too have experience their service as I bought an accessory to them before and I will never be their brand ambassador if I don't believe and support their products! 

And if you're feeling a bit generous go and check out Zalora now and buy something for you or for your love ones! And since I am one of their Brand Ambassador, I will be sharing to you a 15% OFF voucher code so you'll get to buy more! Code: ZBAP0ZD 

Share the code to your friends and family! 



I have been busy with Sketching and Instagram (9gag, Pinterest and Tumblr in between) a whole lot lately hence the lack of posts. I am going to be honest to everyone though, I have nothing to post yet sinceI am quite busy being a normal person taking a selfie and lying in bed reading Harry Potter. Tumblr is my source of inspiration as of yesterday while I'm restraining myself from saving any Harry Styles pictures.