

Prism-mistic is not even a word. Importing tumblr pictures again to this blog while listening to The xx. Also, I promise to keep this blog as active as ever, just let me have the last day of weekend to reunite with my bed while reading the November 2012 ish of Elle Magazine.

Follow my tumblr account for more Inspiration and Wishful thinking moments: TUMBLR. 


Wrong Way

Wrong day to throw back a captured memory through photos.

Rekindling some of the important events that happened in my life last year through a flash back Monday where I officially became more interested in the field of styling and where I met the Filipina Designer, Ms. Pia Gladys Perey along with other known Filipino designers while I help and style for the Style Warehouse's:  Project Monsoon Relief where designers selflessly auctioned their breathtaking gowns and dresses for the the benefit of Monsoon victims last August. 


Shine bright like a diamond

(Photos from Zalora)

Rachel Zoe quoted, "Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak".

There is no reason to stay gloomy like the weather, especially when there's Zalora Philippines who delivers unique and various products from women's clothes (cue: the photos above) to home and living products. What makes it even more interesting is that they're having a discount party today! I know how fast Zalora works because I too have experience their service as I bought an accessory to them before and I will never be their brand ambassador if I don't believe and support their products! 

And if you're feeling a bit generous go and check out Zalora now and buy something for you or for your love ones! And since I am one of their Brand Ambassador, I will be sharing to you a 15% OFF voucher code so you'll get to buy more! Code: ZBAP0ZD 

Share the code to your friends and family! 



I have been busy with Sketching and Instagram (9gag, Pinterest and Tumblr in between) a whole lot lately hence the lack of posts. I am going to be honest to everyone though, I have nothing to post yet sinceI am quite busy being a normal person taking a selfie and lying in bed reading Harry Potter. Tumblr is my source of inspiration as of yesterday while I'm restraining myself from saving any Harry Styles pictures.


Feels like teen Spirit

Croquis and a Celine Ad I sketched. 

The weather is nice and so is this lemon flavored cupcake. I am fighting the urge of staying in bed way too long than the usual because I have now convinced myself to focus working out and try to get the beach ready body I have always wanted, since I can't remember and I guess the universe doesn't understand how much it means to me to have that kind of body when almost have of my mum's guests gave her different kinds of cakes and everyone in my house will have the symptoms of diabetes in no time. I am currently busy watching Absolute Boyfriend a Taiwanese TV series that makes me want to have a robot boyfriend that doesn't need anything besides looking at you in a sort of creepy but hot way. Honestly, this is the second time I look forward to a Taiwanese show not since Meteor Garden, these guys knows what's up when it comes to TV series.


You can find me

Click the picture to listen to one of my fave new band. 

For some weird reason I am thankful that until now I still have gotten a job. I know for some they were already getting a bit worried if they took 3 months looking for a job (and believe me I was) and still haven't seen the perfect one. The reason that I am still in love being in a Dolce Far Niente - ish state of mind and life is because this past summer I did a lot of things that made me realize I needed it before I commit to a job I might not even like, I grew closer with my friends, I learned how to cook more dishes ( I am now currently making my way to the art of Japanese cuisine, ha!), I am helping my mum organize her birthday, I discover new bands and books, and my most favorite hobby that I stopped doing for 3 years (while I was studying finance)  and made me realize that I am good with it, is my drawing skills. For the past 2 months I become more of my self, I realize more of my potentials that I have been better to some things I didn't know I will be good at. 

I still, of course, not forget that I should try learning to take a leap everyday. Sometimes we forget the things that we used to do that makes us feel happy because we always focus on the future we tend to forget that there are other reasons that makes us feel happy and glad at the same time. 


Unique is Bliss!

It is being unique in a lot of ways that turns a simple idea into a great one. Every inspiration expands our idea of horizon, no limitations just moving forward. Sometimes, those people we barely knew or barely showcase their talents are the ones who have the most amazing creativity and has bright ideas. I believe being different is being unique. One must possess the skill of being different, having different perspective changes how a person sees the whole world.

Cityblis   is not just a website. It's where art and media meets diversity. I love to be part of an organization where I can meet my standards and City blis has a lot to offer. And like my intention, City blis promotes small fashion businesses and designers to modern day online communities and individuals hoping potential customers will see the best of them. I hope you find City blis as interesting as I do and I hope you find the clothes, accessories or shoes you are looking for!

Click on the picture (or logo) of City Blis to find out more!


Look at what it might have been

You can play this song. Just click the picture. 


There is always this moment when you have this brilliant idea where it clings in your head so bad it stays with your brain for so long until you put it into action. I had this "idea" of change awhile ago while staring into past through our window. Since I am the kind of blogger (not so) I decided I should change the way I post or what I usually post. Expect a lot more posts of music or movies that needs to be heard or watch, people whose style or blog should be seen, photographers who takes exquisite photos and need to be seen, artist and a lot more complicated posts. I am going to need sometime to look for these kind of genius people because they usually hard to find and if you guys knows one or even you think you are one of these people let your art or passion be seen or heard. This is just a simple idea and a simple blog willing to share your talent to others.


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Honday Bay. 

Ending a really great summer breaks my heart. 
I have loved you from the start.
Now that we are tearing apart,
I will eat another tart.

Think of summer as your gateway to paradise giving you at least two months to enjoy every second and every minute of it. How would you spend it? How are you going to make it your best summer adventure experience? To some of us who enjoys swimming will probably and obviously go to the beach, for some who seeks spontaneity in trekking will go to a place more suited with climbing up a mountain but for people who seeks both it is in a place where it caters both package deals. Palawan will probably the answer in your summer dream. I spend 3 days in Palawan with my family where we got to visit the famous Underground River, The Honda Bay Island hopping and got to visit some other cool places hours before we left Palawan and I would say that Palawan is super cool with its crystal clear beaches, foods (of course!) and very scenic views. I am pretty sure that Palawan filled me with fun and great memories that I should be back by soon! 


Carefree Idleness

Eiker as Lana Del Eiker - Summertime Sadness. 

After spending a lot of time travelling this summer and contemplating about life, I finally came up with a decision to start blogging again. I just know, that this time I am now ready to  take a serious and fun commitment with my blog. Sometimes, you just need to wait until that lighting of creativity strike you, because that's the time you know for sure that you are ready and it's the best time to take on a new commitment in life. Relationship with a blog, now that's what you call love-hate relationship. 
